We weren't cooped up in the house the entire weekend though. On Sunday, Jen's best friend Julie and her husband threw a birthday party for their little boy Timmy. He turned 1 year old. Even though it was a bit hot and humid that day, it was still an enjoyable time. Seeing Timmy and how much fun he had made me that much more excited about what Josie soon will be capable of. He's only a few months older than Josie but it's really cool how well he was able to interact with everyone.
Burffday boy!
Birthday cake before:
Birthday cake after:
But a big part of me wishes that she would stay little forever. Just the other morning, she fell asleep on me after I gave her a bottle. We were laying on the couch together all snuggled up and I simply couldn't hold her tight enough. I watched TV as she dozed off into her own little world. A half an hour later, she begins to wake up. I kissed her little cheeks and her soft little hand grabbed on to mine. She wiggled around some more and finally woke up. With her head propped up she looked right into my eyes with that signature half confused half smirk look. Our heads just inches apart, I couldn't believe who this little person was that was looking back at me. A wave of emotions came over me and my eyes began to water. I think this was the first time I've ever come this close to shedding any tears out of sheer happiness. I finally snapped out of it and gave her a big smooch right on the mouth. I was immediately greeted with a big gummy smile as she proceeded to lay her head down back on to my shoulder.
It was one of the single happiest moments in my entire life.