Going to keep this short and sweet because let's face it, you're just here for the pictures anyways. Here are the ones from Saturday. We went down after lunch and headed over to my brother's house to spend some time with them and the baby. They bought Josie a Tickle Me Elmo which she fell in love with right away. Bella was asleep most of the time but I did get one of her bright eyed and bushy tailed. We head out right before dinner to go to Jeff & Libby's for Jeff's birthday party. It was hot and sticky but a ton of fun. There was a ton of food, a bouncy house, and a whole slew of other activities. Seriously a great time had by all.

*** SMOOCH ***

Nom Nom Nom

More noms

Precious sleepy Bella.

Awwww ...

And back to sleep.

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Serious Bryce is serious.


His expression is priceless.

This guy knows how to party.


More bubbles!

She hasn't quite grasped the concept of the watergun yet.

Winding down with a snack.