Laughter is the best medicine

Sorry for the lack of updates everyone, but I've been sick for the past week. Having a baby really does give your immune system a run for its money. I don't ever remembering being this sick this frequently before little miss Josie arrived. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that we send her off everyday into that cesspool of germs and bacteria breeding ground which we refer to as "daycare."

I know ... but no one really gives a crap about Daddy or how he's doing. You're here to get your Josie fix. Well I'm here to feed your addiction. So happy Monday morning everyone. Whether you're unemployed, have a broken femur, contracted the swine flu, own a Chrysler dealership, or simply dread Mondays, take a few minutes and watch the following clips and I'll guarantee that you'll instantly feel better (although that feeling is not guaranteed to last for any specific amount of time.)

Anyways, here she is, live and in living color!

Oh and for those wondering, the clikity-clank in the background was the dryer in the background.


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