Not a whole lot happened over the weekend. Josie's really got the crawling thing down and now she's working on pulling herself up. She's also started whining when she doesn't get what she wants. Once she has her sight set on something, she'll do everything she can to get it. If she's not successful, we definitely hear about it. Same thing with being attached to us; if she wants one of us when she's with someone else, she'll whine and cry until we get her. I really think this is the point in her life where she get really spoiled if we tend to her every desire. Fortunately, she is easily distracted so I can usually make her happy again by giving her something else when she isn't allowed to have what she originally wanted.
But all in all, it was a pretty mellow weekend.
This picture is a few weeks old but I don't think I posted it before so I'm putting it up until I can get some of the newer stuff edited.

Here are a few more older ones that I never put up.