As a result, Josie got to play in a giant public puddle for the first time Tuesday night. We weren't sure how she was going to react; we figured either she would hate it and kick and scream the whole time, or she would love it and have the time of her life.
We never really took into account option C; zero reaction. Josie was completely cool, calm, and collected. If she could talk and and respond to the question of how the experience was, she'd probably say "meh".
But hey, we got a whole 15 minutes out of it. Yes, the lessons are supposed to be 30 min long, but due to the storm, they made us all get out, cutting our session short. Between the 3 min introduction and another 3 min of getting in and out of the pool, I'd say we got a good solid 10 minutes of floating, I mean, instructional time. Being the kind of guy that I am, I immediately asked the lady whether we'd get a make up lesson since this one was cut short. Her response was "no but maybe we'll add some extra time to the next ones" It was very convincing. I totally believed her. If you ask me, I say it's money well spent.
Most of the pictures didn't really come out all that great. It felt like I was in the middle of the Costa Rican rain forest. I brought the wrong lense to shoot with so I had to get right up at the edge of the pool. I spent most of my energy trying to make sure that I didn't drop the camera in to the pool.
Disclaimer: This entry has been one laden with sarcasm. It's simply my take on this matter. I do really support everything that "mommie" does for baby Josie. We both want what's best for her and strive to provide her with every opportunity that we can.