Arriving at 5:40 AM, weighing in at 7 pounds 2.8 ounces and measuring in at 18 inches, we're proud to present our brand new baby girl. Her name has yet to be determined, but we'll figure that out momentarily. Both Mama and baby are doing great. The breastfeeding is going really well. She latched on right away and has been feeding for the past 20 minutes straight. We are both shocked at how easy that was especially after all the trials and tribulations we endured during Josie's tenure with breastfeeding.
She has a ton of hair but and has been crying quite a bit but everything has checked out normally. She has already figured out how to pout so I'm guessing we're going to be in for a real treat. As I'm going through these pictures I'm amazed at the similarities between her and her big sister. They definitely have the same facial features ... especially the nose!
Josie Kaye Lau

Jordin Kaye Lau

After she's done eating we're gonna get Mama some breakfast and rest up. Baby Lau will get a bath and we'll be reunited shortly after. Check back for more pics and updates!
Little eyes

Funny face