Josie did very well. She slept the whole way down, and again on the way to lunch. We first stopped at Uncle Dan's who got her a bunch of new toys to play with. After about 3 min she lost interest and went after his collection of remotes. It was really nice out so we decided to hit up the park that was across the street from Dan's house. I got some great shots of them at the swing and on the slide.
Then it was off to dim sum with my parents and brother. Josie ate pretty much everything that we put in front of her. She didn't seemed bothered by the loud and hectic environment. Usually when we take her out, we're always worried that she'll start screeching and yelling for no apparent reason. At that restaurant though, no one would have heard her.
After lunch, we took a stroll over at Tysons Corner and did a bit of shopping. And I must say, the mall was a big hit. Josie was, literally, at the edge of her seat the entire time. She pointed and laughed and had a great time looking at the people, the stores, and everything else in between. We left Tysons and spent the remainder of the afternoon at my Grandmother's house with the rest of the family. We stayed and went out to dinner with everyone and then left right from there. Up until now we'd leave prior to dinner so that we'd get home just in time to put the baby to bed. But now that she's older, it's nice to be able to stretch the day out a tad every once in a while so that my family can get as much Josie time in as possible.
Right after dinner, we changed her, put her in her pj's and off we went. Mommie gave her a bottle and she was asleep in no time. She stayed sleeping the whole way home and I was able to transport her from the car into her crib without disruption. All in all, it was a lot of work, but it was well worth it.