Tuesday, October 7th - Barely a day old

Last night was full of commotion. Between breastfeeding, checking her vitals, and running her to and from the baby toaster, it seemed like none of us got very much sleep at all. In actuality ... none of us got very much sleep at all.

For me, today was much more of a blur than yesterday was. I think it was because we were more on our own. No longer did were we on a semi-predeterminded schedule of admistering medication every 12 hrs, doctors checking in every 2, etc. We had to do what came natural; and we had to do it by ourselves.

Despite having only had 3 hours of sleep the night before, I think I held up fairly well. The day began with yet another feeding marathon. Now that she's been out for some time, she's starting to develop quite an appetite.

Breastfeeding is truly an art. Even though I had absolutely zero knowledge on the topic of breastfeeding prior to attending our class a few weeks ago, I'm confident to say that I now have a pretty through understanding of it all. It's not easy for any baby, not to mention with preemies. It takes time, patience, and energy. Lots of energy. Lots of energy that neither mommie or daddie have much of. Fortunately, our little one is doing quite well in this area. She just needs a bit of convincing every now and then. Like I've been telling Jen this whole time; for me, it's terribly frustrating when it doesn't work and all I want to do is blow my brains out. But it's one of the best feelings in the world when it does. It totally makes it worth the struggle.

Aside from feeding, we had a good group of visitors. They got to see a cleaner, sleepier, more relaxed side of Josie, compared to the day before. Greatnan made her first appearance; she's been so anxious to meet the little one and she definitely got in her fair share of bonding time. Also, Grandma Shue went out and got Josie some new attire. Due to her size, virtually nothing that we've bought or have been gifted will fit her at this point. I hope she doesn't expect me to go out and buy her new clothes like this when she's 16!

All cleaned up with no place to go

With Greatnan

That's about all I can remember for now, so I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.












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