I didn’t get to make it to Josie’s check up the other day but I was glad (and proud) to see that she’s doing so well growing. I just can’t believe how she has practically doubled in weight! It must be because I see her everyday but for whatever reason, I just don’t think she’s all that much bigger than when she first arrived. I mean I know she is getting bigger; she’s filling out her clothes nicely and her cheeks are getting chubbier practically every time she eats. It’s just the change that has taken place isn’t quite as apparent for me. Everyone that sees her always comment on how much bigger she’s gotten, so I guess I’m on my own with this one. I think the change will be more noticeable for me once she starts to grow in length.
Josie’s sleeping certainly has improved compared to the beginning, but it’s still no where we’d like it to be. Jen’s up with her most nights, while I take over once the weekend hits. Basically, she sleeps just fine during the day, but she’s wide awake right when we’re ready to hit the sack. She will eventually go to sleep and sleep for 4hrs or so, but it’s just the time prior to getting her the sleep that’s the hardest. She also doesn’t eat as well during those hours either, so it feels like all that’s happening is feeding and changing, feeding and changing. It’s ok though because we know it’ll get better. It just takes time.
We’re going to be taking Josie on her first road trip next week for Thanksgiving. Now that she’s bigger and has gotten her first round of shots, we feel comfortable taking her out. She’s already been out a few places but this would be her first long outing. We’ll be heading down to Virginia to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. It should be a lot of fun since everyone other than my parents will be meeting her for the first time. They’re all eagerly awaiting her arrival so I hope she’s ready. As some of you are aware, I have a pretty big family.
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