But we're caught up now and are moving foward. Josie has been growing up so fast before our very eyes. She hasn't gotten sick in quite a while and for that we're thankful. For those who haven't seen her lately, she has stretched out a bit. She's still putting on the LBs but she has shot up quite a few inches. Her top teeth (a total of 4) are coming in faster than her bottom 2 ever did. I'm convinced that she'll be able to eat an entire Chipotle burrito with me sooner than I had originally anticipated.
Oh and she's getting loud, especially when she gets excited. She clearly enjoys the sound of her own voice, and admist all the screaming and jibber jabber, sometimes, we can actually make out a real word or two. It's going to be so cool once she can talk. But before she talks, she'll be walking. And she's getting really close to doing it on her own. Right now, she can walk really well if we hold her by her arms, or if she has something to hold on to. We think she's really going to take off once she figures it out. She already tries to take off on her own now, but ends up face planting most of the time.
So now that you're all caught up, it's picture time. They're not really in any particular order. Just ones that I've shot over the last few weeks. Enjoy!
Oh noes! The rice is attacking me!
Sporting the pink Skin's jersey. Go COOOOLEY!
All ready for the big game. Might as well get her used to the frustration and disappointment of being a Redskins's fan while she's still young.
New sneakers ... courtsey of Uncle Denny & Aunt Sammi!
And what do we do with new sneakers? EAT EM!
Strike a pose!
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