Guess what ...

Josie's sick again. It seems like that's all I get to tell people these days when they ask me how she's doing or what's new with her. If it's not her, it's us that's sick. More often than not, we're all sick. But that's just the way it works. The majority of the kids in her daycare class have been sick the past few weeks as well. It was inevitable that Josie would catch something sooner or later. There's only so much her tiny immune system can handle when she spends 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week in that cesspool of germ laden bacteria filled borough also known as daycare.

So what does she have exactly? Well according to the doctor the other day, she's got an ear infection, again, and some sort of virus that's causing her cough and runny nose. She also had a fever, which the other night, got up to 104.8. That was not a fun night for anyone. But that seems to have worked its way out of her system now that she's been on medicine for two days. She still has a runny nose and cough, and she's been very fussy at night.

So we've been doing a lot of this ...

Check out that crazy hair! Still puts on a smile even when she's not feeling the greatest.

Birthday Party recap

Here they are, finally! These definitely took longer than I had anticipated to put up but you know how it is. We’ve been so busy lately that we (mostly mommie) just finished going through all her presents the other day. Jen can’t clear out her old stuff fast enough to make room for the new stuff! I think it's amazing how such a little person can have so much already. But it just goes to show that a lot of people love and care about her and for that we're very thankful.

I hope that everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. There was a lot going on that day and I wasn't feeling the greatest so I may have missed some of you who came and went before I had a chance to catch up. But I do want to take a minute to thank everyone for being a part of such a special event. It meant a lot to us. Josie may not realize it now, but one day she'll look back and appreciate the strong network of friends and family that has surrounded her right from the very beginning.

I also want to thank my lovely wife, and her sister and parents for everything that they did to make this party possible. A lot of time was put into the preparation and no detail was left out in order to make sure that it all went as smoothly as it did. While Jen spent countless hours making the cake, putting together gift bags for all the little ones, shopping for decorations and setting them up, arranged to have a real live pony there, etc, I had a set of challenging and demanding tasks of my own. I was responsible for entertaining Josie during the morning of and making sure that she napped before her party. She gets pretty crabby when she’s tired, and well, let’s just say I’m a pretty good napper taker. That’s right, not only did I have to watch her all by myself, but I had to get her to take a nap, feed her lunch, play with her, and get her dressed!!! Clearly I had the tougher task.

And after all that, Josie had a great day. She held up all afternoon without getting fussy or melting down. She didn't dig into the cake as much as we had hoped, but with a little bit of help, she managed to make quite a mess. Little Macaroni was awesome, but Josie didn't quite know what to think of him. Perhaps next year,when she's a little older she'll find him more appealing. Same with the opening of the presents. She was more interested in the stuff that she already had. I didn't get quite as many shots as I had hoped because I was struggling with my sickness. So if you took any that you'd like to share, shoot me an email or leave me comment and I'll post them up.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Dear Josie,

My oh my! Who would have thought that a year can go by so quickly? Your Mommie and I can still remember the days of lounging on the couch anxiously awaiting for your arrival. I'd pound on Mommie's belly demanding for you to come out and play with me. I made scary voices and growled at you hoping to get a reaction. I'm sure you figured out quickly that it's just your silly Daddie trying to get you all worked up. Every now and then you would kick and wiggle around but more often than not we were greeted with nothing more than your signature hiccups-a-thons. Just like Mommie, you never quite figured out how to get rid of them did you? It made me laugh everytime.

And then the doctors said you had to come out. They wanted to make sure that you and Mommie didn't get sick so off we went to get the labor process started. They gave Mommie some stuff which should have made you want to come out pretty quick but you had a totally different agenda. Just like your Daddie, you wanted to do it when you were ready and you wanted it done your way. So you decided to hang out in Mommie's belly some more and well, I certainly couldn't blame you. That's where you've setup camp past 8 months and I'm sure you had quite a setup going on in there.

But all of a sudden, you were ready. After confining Mommie for almost 3 full days to that backbreaking piece of mechanical device known as a hospital bed, you made your grand entrance. In a little less than a half an hour, you were outta there. Your first order of business once you were out was to give Mommie a swift kick to the face. And that's when I knew. That's when WE knew, that you were going to be trouble. We've certainly lived up to it haven't we. We're bad enough seperately, but together, we make Mommie want to pull out all of her hair, set it on fire, and put it back on her head.

So here we are. One year has passed. Countless hours of crying, laughing, snuggling, and this is just the beginning. I wish I can do a better job of putting into words how much we love you, but I don't think it's possible. One day, when you become a parent yourself, you'll know exactly what the feeling is like. Each day with you is better than any gift we've ever received. You're the world to us and we can't wait to watch you grow up.

Mommie & Daddie

We're sick

All of us. Coughing, flem, sinus headaches, runny nose, and throw in a bout of pink eye as well.

We got drugs. We're taking them. Stay tuned.


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