Easter Update

- Good Friday -

Didn't do a whole lot on Friday expect enjoy the beautiful weather spending the majority of the time outside playing with the little one.


- Holy Saturday -

Took Josie to an Easter Egg hunt and to see the Easter Bunny. Let's just say she loved the Easter Bunny as much as she loved Santa Claus. Then we got to spend the afternoon with Evan and Addison. The three of them are so cute together and it's really interesting watching them interact with each other.

I'm not touching that grass.

She's just oozing with excitement.

Seems like more work than fun.

Oh noes, not that thing again!

It's getting closer.


** Smooches **

What's up Addy?

Oh hai again.

You missed.

Didn't we just do this?

You're doing it wrong ... let me show you how.

- Easter Sunday -

Josie got some really cute stuff this year for Easter. She's really into Elmo and Mommie made her day by getting a bunch of Elmo eggs and a giant Elmo basket to go with them, all of which Josie adores. Her outfit was incredibly cute as well. Everything from her turtle purse to her turtle dress suited her perfectly. Josie had so much fun playing outside all day but I think the best part for her was all the candy that she got to eat, thanks to a certain Grammie who forcefeeds her sweets every single moment she gets. But I digress.

Making a list of things she should have gotten but didn't.

How am I supposed to know why Elmo has bunny ears?

All dolled up!

Mmmm ... what's this?

Oh it's sooo good ... normally I'm not allowed to have this.


This is hard work having to find all the eggies.

Aww ... that's it?

Ok I'm done ... take me away!

Life's good.

18 Month Stats

Since Daddy is being a slacker with posting this week, I decided to share Josie's stats from her recent 18 month appointment. She continues to be right around the 50th percentile for her height and weight, and her little noggin (head circumference) is in the 26th percentile. Her vocabulary continues to expand each day, this morning she saw my purse and said "bag." She can also say "shoe." Do you see a theme?? Hehehe :-)

Weight: 24 lbs, 10 oz
Height: 32.25 inches

I can't believe the little pumpkin is 18 months old already ... only 6 months for mommy to plan her Elmo themed birthday bash!


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