Going home

Last night was a bit trying, but no where near how the first night was with Josie. I took Josie home after dinner to get her settled in for the night. I gave her a bath, we played, and tried to get her to go to sleep. She was initially very resistant to leaving the hospital; she doesn't realize why Mama and baby Jordin couldn't come home with us. With a bit of distraction and Baba charm, I was able to sidestep that topic until lights out. That's when she brought it all up again asking to see Mama and mui mui. After a while I left her on her own fully expecting for a blow up. But I waited and eventually she fell asleep. I got a shower, did some laundry, and headed back to the hospital. Mimi was staying over again and as it turns out, Josie woke up shortly after my departure. I haven't gotten the full scoop, but they didn't have a very good night either.

When I got back to the hospital, little Jordin was nursing again. Mama was super tired and just wanted to go to sleep. The next couple of hours consisted of holding the tiny tot, listening to her cry, and trying to nurse some more. It was clear that she was hungry and simply wasn't getting enough. We've concluded that we have yet another impatient sassy pants (sound familiar?) on our hands. When she's hungry, she wants to eat immediately, and she wants to be full right away. She does NOT want to have to work for her food.

We were completely drained from the night before and it was clear that no one was going to get any rest at this rate. We called in the nurse and decided to get her some formula. In the end, that did the trick. She drank some and eventually calmed down enough to sleep until morning. She's been nursing quite a bit since she woke up and it's going relatively well. We're hitting some rough patches due to Ms. Instant Gratification, but the lactation specialist showed up a few pointers to help move things along. Overall, I think we've already made more progress in the past day than we did the entire time trying to breastfeed Josie.

We're heading out here shortly after lunch. Everything has checked out and we've been cleared for discharge. We decided to go home early because this is really hard on our little Josie and we know that being home will get her back in the swing of things.

I'm so proud of my strong and beautiful wife. I'm honored to call her my mine and we're so blessed to have created such an incredible family. What she's gone through mentally and physically in the past 36 hours is truly amazing. She hadn't slept in over 24 hours and still tended to baby Jordin's every need the very moment she arrived. It just goes to show that although Baba's are great and all for quite a lot of different reasons, we'd truly be nothing without our Mama's.

Eyes open for a change

Nothing like a Mother's love

Quiet afternoon

Other than the nurses checking in on us, there hasn't been a whole lot of traffic in and out of our room. It's quite a welcome change compared to how the day went the last time we did this. I got to sneak in another nap, and so did little miss Jordin. She's still eating well and sleeping like a rock. Josie got to meet her little sister for the first time as soon as she got out of school. Mimi and Pappy brought her over and Josie was so excited to meet her. Josie was immediately concerned with every little thing that was going on with her little sister. She wants to help with every aspect and is naturally fulfilling her role as big sister.

Getting some shut eye

My 3 JKL's

Hanging out

Rested ... for now

P.S. - Jordin Kaye Lau is the name that we settled on.

I'm not gonna lie ... after breakfast I passed out. We moved over to maternity and things finally quieted down. They took Jordin to get her washed up and to monitor her temperature. She was a bit on the chilly side so it was a good while before they brought her back to us. When I woke up Mama and Jordin were all snuggled and getting their bonding on. I took over for a little bit while Mama went to freshen up. I had completely forgotten what it's like to be able to hold a child with just one arm. 7 pounds literally feels like nothing when you're used to carrying around 30 day after day. She's an amazing little thing; a head full of hair and a plethora of facial expressions.

They woke her up shortly after to take her temperature and she measured just fine. If it starts to drop then they'll have to take her back to the nursery to warm her up, but I don't think that's going to have to happen. It was also time to eat and man, does this little girl like to eat. She's so eager and we're just thrilled to see how well she's taking to breastfeeding.

Yawny yawnerson

Ready to eat!

Check out that wig!!!

7 pounds 2.8 ounces

Arriving at 5:40 AM, weighing in at 7 pounds 2.8 ounces and measuring in at 18 inches, we're proud to present our brand new baby girl. Her name has yet to be determined, but we'll figure that out momentarily. Both Mama and baby are doing great. The breastfeeding is going really well. She latched on right away and has been feeding for the past 20 minutes straight. We are both shocked at how easy that was especially after all the trials and tribulations we endured during Josie's tenure with breastfeeding.

She has a ton of hair but and has been crying quite a bit but everything has checked out normally. She has already figured out how to pout so I'm guessing we're going to be in for a real treat. As I'm going through these pictures I'm amazed at the similarities between her and her big sister. They definitely have the same facial features ... especially the nose!

Josie Kaye Lau

Jordin Kaye Lau

After she's done eating we're gonna get Mama some breakfast and rest up. Baby Lau will get a bath and we'll be reunited shortly after. Check back for more pics and updates!

Little eyes

Funny face

Here we go again!

P.S. - It's 1:43 AM and we've officially been admitted.

P.P.S - It's 4:55 AM ... just woke up from some shut eye. We thought her water broke but the nurse thinks it only partially ruptured.

It's 1:03 AM - 6/8/2011. We just got admitted to labor & delivery (for monitoring) here at the hospital about an hour ago. It appears our little one has decided that it's just about that time. Mama started experiencing heavy duty lower abdomanal pains starting at around 10:00 PM. As soon as I saw that initial contraction, which was nothing like the ones she's been having, I knew it was time. We got our stuff together while we waited for the doctor to call back. Once we got word to mobilize we loaded up and took off. Mimi came over to spend the night and will have to deal with our Josie monster in the morning. I can't wait to hear about how that's going to go.

It's hard to believe that just 12 hours ago, we were left wondering whether or not she was going to have to be induced. We just had an ultrasound this morning which checked out great. They told us that the amniotic fluid levels were good and that everything was looking normal. The non-stress tested that followed yielded nothing that was to be of any concern. They sent us away waiting for something to happen. And now, something's happened. Whether or not this is the real deal we'll find out shortly. But it's amazing how quickly things can change in a matter of hours. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted.

Speaking of how quickly things change:


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