America's Oldest Fair

Fat guy on a scooter, rebel flag apparel, bearded women, mullets, single mother with way too many kids. If you've ever wondered where you can experience all that in one place in less than a span of 10 minutes, then head over to your local Walmart. Now, if you wanted to go on some rides, eat an endless combination of fried stuff, listen to country music all night, and get up and personal to a llama, then where would you go? To the annual York Fair of course!

And Josie got to experience her first York Fair last night. Boy did she have a great time. She laughed and screamed and threw herself around in her stroller the whole time. I'll admit, I didn't have much desire to go at first, but once I got there, I quickly realized how much fun this probably is through the eyes of an 11 month old. We didn't stay long since it was close to her bed time; basically we made a loop around the arena and stopped only to eat. I do wish I could have stayed longer because events like these create endless possibilities for memorable candids.


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