Yut Yee Som

So you thought Josie saying her ABC's was the cutest thing you've ever seen in your entire life?? Well get a load of this one. Oh yea ... you'll need to understand Chinese to fully appreciate it =D

Edit: For those who don't speak Chinese (I mean who doesn't speak Chinese these days?) here's what she's saying:

Josie is counting from 1 to 10.

1 Yut
2 Yee
3 Som
4 Say
5 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (our favorite)
6 Look
7 Chut
8 Bot
9 Gao
10 Sup

And here's a few from our fashion show this morning. Our mini Redskinette was sporting her new 'Skins gear to show her support for our boys for our upcoming opener Sunday night. For those who don't know, I've made it mandatory that she sports 'Skins attire to school each and every Friday during the entire Football season. Enjoy!

Elma ... PEE!

What's elma pee? Well, you'll just have to check out the video and find out for yourself! P.S. This will probably be the cutest thing that you've ever seen in your entire life. If it's not, let me know and I'll be sure to give you all your money back.

Loved the video? Want more? You got it. I'll be putting lots of videos to help fill the void in between picture updates now that we're all iPhone'd out here at the Lau's.

Shoot, upload, and embed. Isn't technology awesome?

Oh noes!

Josie's reaction to me telling her that her blog hasn't been updated in a while.

Then I told her she could eat ice cream ... and everything was right again.

Happy Birthday Ye Ye!

May all your birthday wishes be short, cute, and half Chinese!

Little farmer girl

Totally fell in love with this picture right away. For those wondering, we were out doing our photoshoot for the 2010 Corn Roast invite!

Memorial Day Weekend Wrap Up

Going to keep this short and sweet because let's face it, you're just here for the pictures anyways. Here are the ones from Saturday. We went down after lunch and headed over to my brother's house to spend some time with them and the baby. They bought Josie a Tickle Me Elmo which she fell in love with right away. Bella was asleep most of the time but I did get one of her bright eyed and bushy tailed. We head out right before dinner to go to Jeff & Libby's for Jeff's birthday party. It was hot and sticky but a ton of fun. There was a ton of food, a bouncy house, and a whole slew of other activities. Seriously a great time had by all.


*** SMOOCH ***

Nom Nom Nom

More noms

Precious sleepy Bella.

Awwww ...

And back to sleep.

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Serious Bryce is serious.


His expression is priceless.

This guy knows how to party.


More bubbles!

She hasn't quite grasped the concept of the watergun yet.

Winding down with a snack.

The Floating Zoo

Check out these pictures from last Thursday night's open house at Josie's daycare. We knew that they had been cooking up something just for this occassion but we didn't have a clue as to what it was going to be. Well her class, "The Floating Zoo," along with all the other classes put on quite a show for everyone. There was singing and dancing and counting and we were very impressed at how well they all followed directions. No one freaked out about being on stage in front of a fairly large crowd; they just did their thing and gazed into the audience. It was quite a production considering the amount of kids involved but it went off without a hitch. The teachers obviously put a lot of time and effort into it all and it certainly paid off.

We did get some video of the performance but I'm not sure how watchable it'll be. I might throw it up once I go through it and do some editing.


We spent some time over at Brent & Kelly's the other day and got to play on their trampoline. Josie loves to bounce and she had such a good time being thrown around inside like clothes in a dryer.

Hmmmmmm, must figure out a way to bounce AND eat at the same time.

And then we got some Addy hugs ...

And Addy kisses ...

Check out the new Elmo shirt! Got it at Sesame Street Place. You don't want to know how much it cost.


Ok so it wasn't epic like how I had imagined it should have been. Josie didn't bust out of her stroller like a crazy person and touch everything in sight. But it was still a very very fun day to say the least. Our little munchkin behaved so well and it was clear that she still had a great time. She wasn't too sure about the life sized Cookie Monster that we saw, but then again, we weren't all that suprised at her reaction. The park wasn't very big but it was big enough to keep us busy. Any bigger and I don't think we would have been able to do everything that we wanted to.

It was fairly packed that day but the wait for stuff wasn't too terrible. Of course, little miss instant gratification made it seem like it was the end of the world everytime she had to wait in line for anything. But she did her best being patient and got to do every attraction that she wanted. I was disappointed though at the lack of Sesame Street characters out roaming around the park. Other than a brief sighting of Cookie Monster upon our initial entry, I saw no other signs of giant furry characters out for public interaction/enjoyment for the remainder of the day. There was a spot where you could go to get your picture taken with Elmo & Big Bird, but it was very systematic and impersonal. The only other time we even saw Elmo was in a theater for his live Elmo show. The closest we came to him was when he passed us going up and down the isle. I really would have loved to see Josie's reaction had we randomly encountered Elmo out in the park somewhere. The pictures on the website lead me to believe that it would have been possible. Maybe next time.

Get your wallets ready!

Getting lubed for the unforgiving sun.

Cookie Monster!

Not impressed.

Giant net tunnel climbing thing.

Seemed exciting at first, but her little feet kept going through the net.

So we sat.

This was her favorite. It was a huge inflatable bouncy playground.

Check out that toosh noosh.

And then we moved some blocks around.

Which is very tiring work.

That thing went up really high, but Josie loved it.

Elmo Live!

Lunch time. For everyone. In the entire park. At the same time.

Finally scored a table and it was chow time.

She ate quite well actually.

The mac & cheese sucked and was expensive, but hey check out this awesome Elmo plate that it came in!

Big girl held on all by herself the entire time.

The water park.

Oh hay giant bucket and other water excreting contraptions.

I wonder if the bucket moves.

Wait ...




That thing went off every 15 min or so and it was awesome. What's not awesome is making sure that we weren't under it when it went off. I almost soiled myself at one point when I had to scramble to get Josie out from under there and save my camera at the same time all within a matter of seconds before it came down on us.

So happy.

Not sure what she was doing but one of my favorites from that day. It looks like she's dancing.

Oh there's a reason.

Wait for it ...


Oh Elmo you're hilarious!


They did some really cool stuff with plants and flowers. This was one of them. Josie was infactuated with this one.

The waterpark was definitely the best part. We spent a good chunk of time there and had it not been for her needing her diaper changed, we probably wouldn't have gotten out as soon as we did. That part really was awesome and it was a great way to cool off. I wanted to go back in but since we had already changed and dried off we decided to hit the gift shops instead. After looking around and not buying much of anything (thank god), we hit Josie's favorites one more time and started to wrap things up. We stopped to get some ice cream and refill our drinks on the way out and she was practially asleep by the time we got to the parking lot.

I'm glad that we went and got to experience it. If it were closer, we'd definitely go back again soon. But for now I'm going to file this away as a yearly trip at most. I hope that Josie remembers this for many years to come and if not, well I certainly have enough pictures to help jog her memory a bit.


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